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Negative Reinforcement

Somewhat hard to define, negative reinforcement is attached to a definitively negative connotation. However, that is because it is often confused with punishment or being overly critical. The goal of negative reinforcement 'allows the teacher to avoid or terminate an unpleasant situation if the behavioral goal is achieved'(Wolfgang, p21). For example if a student won't put their supplies away before recess they won't make it in line to go outside with the others and will be late. Therefor if the child DOES put away their supplies they DO get to go out with the others. By completing the appropriate behavior she receives the consequence of her actions, being on time. If she does not put her things away she receives the negative reinforcement of not getting to go out to play at the same time as the other students.
Again reinforcement is just an reaction to an action attempting to increase a behavior. So negative reinforcement is not a punishment it is just a logical following to the conclusion of a set of actions. A student does not behave in a desired way so they keep themselves from benefiting from a favorable snack or activity.
A better example might be,
'When a child says 'please' and 'thank you' to his/her mother, the child may not have to engage in his/her dreaded chore of setting the table. Therefore, not having to set the table will act as a negative reinforcer and increase the likelihood of the child saying 'please' and 'thank you' in the future(Barker 2012).'
Tools, games, or examples of how to use negative reinforcement in the classroom.
-If you all behave during the assembly you don't have to do the math assignment tonight!
-The first one into line quietly doesn't have to put his chair on his desk before he leaves today!
- If you don't study for the test, you won't get a good grade.
-If you don't settle down and focus on your work we won't have time for the game I have planned!
-Barker, Brittan, Joy Kreider, Jessie Peissig, Greta Sokoloff, and Maura Stamsfield. 'Reinforcement and Punishment.' Reinforcement and Punishment. Glossary of Terms for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <>.
-Iyer, Sujata. 'Negative Reinforcement Examples.', 16 Dec. 2010. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <>.
-'My Aspergers Child: Avoiding Negative Reinforcement in the Classroom: Tips for Teachers with Aspergers Students.' My Aspergers Child: Avoiding Negative Reinforcement in the Classroom: Tips for Teachers with Aspergers Students. My Aspergers Child, n.d. Web. 22. Oct. 2012. <>.
-Wolfgang, Charles H. Solving Discipline and Classroom Management Problems: Methods and Models for Today's Teachers. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Print.

Negative reinforcement is often used only after other reinforcement strategies, such as positive reinforcement and differential reinforcement, have not been effective in increasing the target skill/behavior. When planning for and implementing negative reinforcement with learners with ASD, the following steps are recommended. Negative Reinforcement. 25) Aims of the Research The research is motivated by the following aims i. To highlight the pros and cons of positive and negative reinforcement on language learning ii. To make the teachers aware that how do they bring about fear and withdrawal in the students through negative reinforcement.

Extinction refers to a procedure used in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) in which reinforcement that is provided for problem behavior (often unintentionally) is discontinued in order to decrease or eliminate occurrences of these types of negative (or problem) behaviors.
While this procedure is most commonly used in children with Autism and Down Syndrome, it can also be used very successfully to address a broader array of problem behaviors, including those exhibited by individuals without developmental disabilities.
Extinction procedures often take three different forms depending upon the functions of the behavior (i.e. What is causing the behavior). One of the forms is to use extinction with behaviors maintained by positive reinforcement.
Example: Dannie tries to get mom's attention by dropping her toy on the floor. Her mom smiles at Dannie, picks up the toy and hands it back to her. This series of actions reinforces Dannie's negative behavior because she is getting the attention that she is seeking. As a result, she will continue to engage in this type of behavior in order to receive the positive reinforcement that her mom provides. To address this problem, Dannie’s mom should ignore Dannie when she drops the toy; if she consistently ignores this problem behavior, it is highly likely that Dannie will reduce engaging in this behavior as her actions no longer produce the effect that she is seeking.
Another form of this procedure is extinction on behaviors maintained by negative reinforcement. This is commonly referred to as “escape extinction.”
Example: Dannie throws a tantrum when she doesn’t want to eat her food. Her mom responds by sending her to a ‘corner’ for time out. Because Dannie is able to avoid eating the food that she doesn’t want to eat, it is highly likely that she will engage in the same behavior in the future. To correct this, Dannie’s mom should let Dannie throw tantrums (regardless of how long it takes), while continuing to insist that Dannie eat her food. Initially, these tantrums will increase as Dannie becomes more and more frustrated, but eventually her tantrums will decrease as long as her actions do not provide her with the desired outcome.
Negative Reinforcement In The Classroom
The third form of this procedure is extinction on behaviors maintained by automatic reinforcement. This is commonly referred to as “sensory extinction.”
Example: Dannie likes to turn the light switch on and off because she is visually stimulated by the fan starting and stopping. In order to address this behavior, Dannie’s mom should disable the fan so that when Dannie flips on the light switch, she no longer gets the visual stimulation from the fan starting and stopping. Over time, Dannie will decrease engaging in this behavior of flipping the light switch because it no longer provides the automatic reinforcement she is seeking.
More facts about extinction procedure:
•An increase in the negative behavior will likely be observed shortly after extinction procedures are implemented: this is referred to as an extinction burst. It is very important for the person administrating therapy to maintain consistency and continue with the procedure, regarding of the child’s reaction.
Typically, extinction bursts will increase initially and the child will engage in this negative behavior more frequently before the behavior goes away or decreases to an appropriate level. Extinction bursts can also happen after a long period during which the child does not engage in problem behavior. This is referred to as Spontaneous Recovery. It is very important to be mindful of this possibility in order to be prepared to deal with it in the same way the behavior was dealt with initially.
•All three forms of extinction procedures decrease the occurrence of problem behavior over time.

Examples Of Positive And Negative Reinforcement

•Very simply, extinction equates to lack of reinforcement. Instead of getting something good to strengthen the behavior, or having something added or taken away to suppress the behavior, nothing happens. From the perspective of the child, the behavior no longer works to get the desired reinforcement any more.
•All forms of extinction procedures can be frustrating for the learner. Their level of frustration varies from learner to learner in each specific situation.

Negative Reinforcement In The Classroom

•Extinction procedures can also be frustrating for parents and caregivers because the reduction in positive behavior (behavior change) can be slow. This is generally tolerable if the behavior is mildly protesting or attention seeking, such as whining or crying. However, if the behavior involves self-injury or direct aggression to siblings, parents or caregivers, and it intensifies during the “extinction burst” period, parents may find the procedure to be impossible to maintain.
In these situations, implementing an additional procedure to increase the desired behavior, e.g., giving a reward of allowing a child to take smaller bites (for a selective eater), rewarding a child when he plays with his sibling to reduce aggression toward them, or increasing privileges for carrying out previously agreed-upon chores (a “behavioral contract”) to increase compliance with directions, and other similar techniques can be quite helpful.
To learn more about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) intervention and common methods used to reduce problem behavior, check out our ABA Online Training Course.
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Example Of Negative Reinforcement In The Classroom

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