We are using Gravitational Teleport as an access proxy.
It uses Open SSH signed certificate keys to login.
I'm having a problem connecting from SecureCRT using this type of publickey.
The trace logs shows:
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Kex Methods = curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521
[LOCAL] : Selected Kex Method = curve25519-sha256@libssh.org
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Host Key Algos = ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com
[LOCAL] : Selected Host Key Algo =
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Send Ciphers = aes128-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr
[LOCAL] : Selected Send Cipher = aes256-ctr
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Recv Ciphers = aes128-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr
[LOCAL] : Selected Recv Cipher = aes256-ctr
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Send Macs = hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256
[LOCAL] : Selected Send Mac = hmac-sha2-256
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Recv Macs = hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256
[LOCAL] : Selected Recv Mac = hmac-sha2-256
[LOCAL] : Stream has closed [CLOSE_TYPE_NONSPECIFIC] : Key exchange failed. No compatible hostkey. The server supports these methods: ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com
Key exchange failed.
No compatible hostkey. The server supports these methods: ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com
The important error is that SecureCRT didn't pickup any Host Key Algorithm.
[LOCAL] : Available Remote Host Key Algos = ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com
[LOCAL] : Selected Host Key Algo =
As I read in features we should be able to use OpenSSH certificates.
Can you please shed some light about using SecureCRT with this type of publickey?
Thank you
Securecrt 8.5 License KeyLicense
  1. SecureCRT 8.5.3 Crack + License Key. SecureCRT Crack is advanced terminal emulator program which uses the latest technology to secure the server of a network through shell access, means based on.
  2. In the same way, protect remote access with marked security. So, In fact, even try to be SecureCRT 8.5.3 Build 1867 suitable for use in the workplace and at home while traveling and anywhere else. In particular, SecureCRT License Key is finishing the highlights with a break, so you can get a complete programming format here for nothing.

Securecrt 8.5 License Key

Mac: For new installations, the Kerberos key-exchange methods are off by default. Bug Fixes: - If a very large file was specified as a public-key file, SecureCRT could crash when the file was loaded. When attempting to connect to a server that did not reply to SSHMSGCHANNELREQUEST, SecureCRT.